Tuesday, January 02, 2007

VII - In the eyes of loners


Could you stop heckling? I'd be jolly pleased.

From my standpoint that's a chilly moment:

her foreseeable contempt has finally come through.

Well. Perhaps it was just a sublime lack of concern.

It's reputed that I should be crumbling,

but as a by-product of this greeted hardship

now it's me again who is in charge. Encouraging...

[A ulls dels solitaris]

Podries parar d'esbroncar-me? N'estaria molt content.

Des del meu punt de vista aquest és un moment advers:

el seu despreci previsible al final s'ha fet evident.

Bé. Potser era senzillament una total indiferència.

Se suposa que m'hauria d'estar ensorrant,

però com a subproducte d'aquesta aclamada privació

ara torno a ser jo qui està al mando. Encoratjador...

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