Wednesday, January 02, 2008

X - Throwing a ball

I feel displaced in such an outgoing atmosphere.
Outwardly, I'm just another likeable lighthearted,
and it's gaily that I grind my teeth.
On a nook, a wiry and battle-scarred bigwig scrumbles
spewing his misshapen rashness.
Don't breathe a word about the as yet unaceptable:
On a daily basis, we lead a double and scolding life.

* * * *

Muntant una festa

Em sento desplaçat en un ambient tan extrovertit
Externament, sóc només un altre agradable despreocupat,
i és com si tal cosa que apreto les dents.
En un racó, un fibrat i curtit peix gros s'ensorra
mentre vomita la seva deforme irreflexió.
No diguis ni una paraula d'allò encara inacceptable:
Cada dia portem una doble i queixosa vida.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

IX - It pays to be honest


It pays to be honest,
though you could trample on your own feelings,
though your stony face could fall by the wayside.
Because the thorn will break your skin,
and the stitch will remain on the gutter.
When the blade of grass is chiming,
something's got a hold on you.
Stand heedful of the black-clad itch,
else you'd wear a wan smile.

* * * * *

Paga la pena dir la veritat,
encara que puguis trepitjar els teus propis sentiments,
encara que la teva cara impertorbable pugui quedar-se pel camí.
Perquè l''espina et travessarà la pell,
i la punxada romandrà a la cuneta.
Quan el bri d'herba repica,
és que alguna cosa et controla.
Mantingue't atent a la picor vestida de negre,
de lo contrari podries lluir un pàl·lid somriure.
