Thursday, January 04, 2007

VIII - A feeling of impending doom

By a bizarre twist, I'm giving over my folly
concurrently to that tough costumer coddling eggs.
Look at him. The same old ill-fated deputy sneaker.
The ultimate in poignant loookings, if you will.
Synonymous with svelteness. With a mindset that unsettles them.
I'll sort him out, 'cause I'm in a war footing already.
And she's on the verge to have omelette for dinner.

[Una sensació de fatalitat imminent]
Per una curiosa casualitat, estic deixant la meva follia
al mateix temps que aquell tio dur bull ous.
Mira-te'l. El maleït vice-trampós de sempre.
L'últim en mirades commovedores, si ho prefereixes.
Sinònim d'elegància. Amb una mentalitat que les inquieta.
Ja passarem comptes, perquè ja estic en peu de guerra.
I ella és a un pas de sopar truita.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

VII - In the eyes of loners


Could you stop heckling? I'd be jolly pleased.

From my standpoint that's a chilly moment:

her foreseeable contempt has finally come through.

Well. Perhaps it was just a sublime lack of concern.

It's reputed that I should be crumbling,

but as a by-product of this greeted hardship

now it's me again who is in charge. Encouraging...

[A ulls dels solitaris]

Podries parar d'esbroncar-me? N'estaria molt content.

Des del meu punt de vista aquest és un moment advers:

el seu despreci previsible al final s'ha fet evident.

Bé. Potser era senzillament una total indiferència.

Se suposa que m'hauria d'estar ensorrant,

però com a subproducte d'aquesta aclamada privació

ara torno a ser jo qui està al mando. Encoratjador...

Monday, January 01, 2007

VI - That was a display!


Word in the street is I've got shifty eyes, today.

At quitting time, I would have hiked your skirt up.

Aw nuts, I don't think it could've gone any worse...

It's all about presence, you usually tells me.

And I'm the delusion less sultry of the world, bar non.

Get the picture? A sissy in diapers slumbering for sex.

Too bad you didn't notice it. For crying out loud!

Besides, nice working with you. Take care.

[Quina exhibició!]

La gent diu que tinc els ulls esquius, avui.

A l'hora de plegar, t'hauria apujat les faldilles.

Oh vaja, no crec que pogués haver anat gaire pitjor...

L'aspecte ho és tot, acostumes a dir-me.

I jo sóc el miratge menys sensual del món, sense excepció.

Ho entens? Un covard en bolquers badant per sexe.

Llàstima que no te'n vas adonar. Per l'amor de déu!

D'altra banda, és un plaer treballar amb tu. Cuida't.