Monday, December 25, 2006

I - By way of introduction

Today was hectic. Could that been a turning point?
All these questions send me scurrying for cover,
and I'll have to leap over the railings on my own.
I don't have a bean, but I'm growing old gracefully:
the sun casts an eye over my receding hair.
With good grace I've harboured doubts.
All the better for me, all along on the ball.
My life leaves a lot to be desired,
don't be mislead by the occasional shining word.

[A mode d'introducció]

Avui ha estat de bojos. Podria haver estat un punt d'inflexió?
Aquestes preguntes em fan córrer a protegir-me,
i hauré de saltar per damunt de la tanca tot sol.
No tinc un duro, però envelleixo dignament:
el sol clava un ull damunt les meves entrades.
De bona gana he albergat dubtes.
Tant millor per a mi, de sempre alerta.
La meva vida deixa molt que desitjar,
no et deixis enganyar per alguna paraula brillant.

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